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Quick Facts
Shine the torch on me... and dig me up
[Values] [Hates] [Dreams] [Stats] [History] [Contacting me]
- Spartan, meaningful,
healthy living
- Honesty
- Benevolence
- Innovating constantly
- Cleanliness
- Sundry wit and sunny
- Practicing ‘live and
let live’
- Financial prudence
- And as with all values
trying to stand by them
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- Boundaries both real
and imagined
- Jaded attitudes
- Injustices ranging from
the trivial to the fundamental
- Apple-polishing,
- Loud behavior
- Indiscipline on the
roads, airports, trains... in life
- Slapstick, farcical,
mocking humor
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- Utopia, the Garden of
Eden (does such a thing exist?)
- Since the above does
not exist – well I haven’t experienced it yet – I do dream of striking the
proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow helping me fulfill my
assorted pursuits
- Pen down a book (an
autobiography, perhaps)
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- Male
- Head to Toe: 172 cms
- Tone: Copper with
varying shades
- Structure: Lithe, lean
and athletic
- Tongues: English,
Hindi, Marathi, French
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- Breathing since October 24, 1972
- Aware since 1979... my earliest memories are of my Chembur
home with a wild garden in front and myself building mud homes using the
moist soil out there. Others include the annual trip to my native-place in
rural Maharashtra to meet country
cousins and warm grandparents.
- Various names...
curiously all of them begin with B
- Bart (my post-graduate
college nick)
- Bambai (my graduate college
- Bantoo (my home name...
though on reaching the teens this name has slipped into oblivion)
- Ethnicity (if you must
really know): Singular racial origin from the Leva Patil
Maharashtrian Hindu stock (originally from Gujarat)
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Contacting me
- Dwelling in Mumbai, after
a long hiatus which took me to various places in India
- Dear friends (long-lost
and not-yet-lost)
- Please do get in touch
with me via email or phone. In case your
plans bring you to this part of the world, you must visit me.
- All others
- I respect privacy and
expect the same in return. Hence if you think you genuinely need to
contact me for any reason (broken links, feedback, or just reaching out
to me) you may do so by emailing me here.
- In case you use PGP, my
PGP key is here (well, I still don’t have it!)
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